Yoga Retreats Europe and Yoga Teacher Trainings Greece

Welcome to our Yoga School Greece – open your heart and raise your vibrations.

Our Base is the place where we create a space for you to encounter your Self. We offer a natural and peaceful environment, where like-minded people can meet and exchange, grow and enjoy.

We host and co-host retreats, workshops and trainings and supply you with everything you need to relax on your yoga journey. We care for healthy food, accommodation, activities and more importantly, the rigth vibes and yoga as a tool to evolve.

Find us on Corfu Island, St. George (South), Greece: Open Google Maps.

The deepest and most honest encounter happens within your Self. Discovering this Self is the most exciting and fantastic journey of your life, breath by breath. This incredible journey is the way to become conscious – and in this process, we want to support you with the best environment and practices.

Welcome to our INEA • YOGA Centre in Corfu, Greece.
Enjoy this beautiful green Island and the blue Aegaen Sea.



Head teacher


Head teacher


Yoga Teacher • Communications




Yoga Teacher


House Fairy


On-Site Coordinator


Massage Therapist


Yin Yoga


Bhakti & Musician

Ellie Blake

Yoga Teacher


Yoga Teacher • Men's Coach


The Mum
Our Yoga Retreat Base
Our Yoga Base
Corfu Indoor Yoga Shala
Kunda Shala
Our Base
Our Base
Our Base

The House

Make yourself comfortable, staying with us! Enjoy the comfort of your own room, or share your journey with a friend you brought along, or one you make here. Our premises is surrounded by beautiful nature, well maintained gardens, little areas for creating your own space of quiet and peace and 2 minutes walk from the beach.

Your stay

The rooms

All rooms come with en-suite bathrooms and a small kitchenette that includes a fridge. Handcrafted decorations and a Mediterranean flair add a charming touch. For your comfort, air conditioning and free Wi-Fi are also provided.

Rooms at INEA YOGA School Corfu
Rooms at INEA YOGA School Corfu
Rooms at INEA YOGA School Corfu
Rooms at INEA YOGA School Corfu
Rooms at INEA YOGA School Corfu
Rooms at INEA YOGA School Corfu
Rooms at INEA YOGA School Corfu
Rooms at INEA YOGA School Corfu
Rooms at INEA YOGA School Corfu
Rooms at INEA YOGA School Corfu
Rooms at INEA YOGA School Corfu
Rooms at INEA YOGA School Corfu
Rooms at INEA YOGA School Corfu
Yoga Center Corfu
Yoga Centre Corfu
Yoga Center Corfu
Yoga Center Corfu
Retreat Base St. George
Yoga School Corfu South
The surroundings

Relax on the beach and enjoy nature

St. George is a place where you can calm down, find peace, nature, relaxation on the beach – but it is as well a place for activities like biking, hiking, watersports or even going out at night to dance.

The People

The Heart of our Centre

Our guests are the heart and soul of our center, and words cannot express our gratitude for the amazing individuals who visit us. Thank you for creating unforgettable moments with us.

Yoga Guests at Ineayoga Corfu
Yoga Guests at Ineayoga Corfu
Yoga Guests at Ineayoga Corfu
Yoga Guests at Ineayoga Corfu
Yoga Teacher Training Certificate
Yoga Guests at Ineayoga Corfu
Yoga Guests at Ineayoga Corfu
Lovely hug

About Us

Who are we? Well, isn’t it exactly about that in life?

Sure, that’s a question which a lifespan is not enough to answer, but we can try to give you a brief answer about our experiences and intensions and you make your own picture. Athina and Cedric are the founders of INEA•YOGA and are passionate about sharing their love and knowledge in Yoga with the world.

Athina Tamaresi
Athina Tamaresi
Head Teacher INEA • YOGA

Yoga to me has been a wonderful journey, helping me divide my sense of self from my often busy mind and deeply, truly accept and connect with me as a whole. I teach to support and encourage people to connect with themselves.

Athina's ProfileAthina's Profile
Cedric Stein
Cedric Stein
Head Teacher INEA • YOGA

My mission is to create a safe space for you to connect to your inner being. By following your breath, being in the present moment and noticing yourself.

Cedric's ProfileCedric's Profile

We are a community for like-minded people

Join the whatsapp group to stay up to date: click here.
Find us on Telegram to interact and exchange: click here.


Our purpose

Creating space for experiencing the self.

The deepest and most honest encounter is with yourself. Discovering this self is the most exciting and fantastic journey of your life, breath by breath. This incredible journey is the way to become conscious.

We want to create a space for you to explore this experience. In which you can examine, discover and experience yourself. Teachers show you the door, but you are the one that has to go through.

In this space we offer you ideas and possibilities from yoga, meditation and other methods to evolve and grow.

In meditation, with each breath you can experience the life energy flowing through you. In spiritual practices the body is often neglected. We care about you as a whole and so we make a great effort to include your body, as it is also a part of your being, right here, right now and so, essential in order to create a balance between body, mind and soul.

We founded INEA • YOGA to give individuals exactly this space of self-development. And strangely enough, we find ourselves in the best way possible by interacting with you and other interesting people. Well, perhaps not so strange... as another person, a counterpart, always works as a mirror, triggers something, helps us reflect. Only through a counterpart can I experience myself. It is a wonderful dance between going inwards and stepping outside again. Between self-work and group dynamics.

We want to bring people together. To learn together. Individually and simultaneously as a group. The student from the teacher and the teacher from the student. But we want this in real life, in real encounters, touching, sharing, feeling, experiencing.

With this online platform we want to make the first step as easy as possible for you: To allow you to know us, but also to get to know you. To be able to use our content in times when you can't be here. With INEA • YOGA we want to inspire you and motivate you to find us in real life, offline. We want to transform the world, moving towards and living in full consciousness, honesty and liberty – together with you.

Die tiefste und ehrlichste Begegnung ist mit dir selbst. Dieses Selbst zu entdecken ist die spannendste und fantastischste Reise deines Lebens, Atemzug für Atemzug. Diese unglaubliche Reise ist der Weg der Bewusstwerdung deines Selbstes.

Wir wollen dir einen Raum schaffen, indem du dieses Selbst erkunden kannst. In dem du dich selbst erforschen, entdecken und erleben kannst. Lehrer zeigen dir die Tür, hindurchgehen musst du selbst.

In diesem Raum bieten wir dir durch Yoga, Meditation und andere Methoden Ideen und Möglichkeiten an, dich zu entwickeln und zu wachsen.

Mit jedem Atemzug erfährst du die Lebensenergie, die durch deinen Körper fließt. Wir legen großen Wert darauf, den Körper als Teil deines Seins einzubeziehen und eine Balance von Körper, Geist und Seele zu kreieren.

Wir haben INEA•Yoga gegründet um Individuen genau diesen Raum der Selbstentwicklung zu geben. Seltsamerweise finden wir uns selbst oft am besten, indem wir uns mit anderen Menschen austauschen. Nur so seltsam ist das gar nicht, denn ein anderer Mensch, ein Gegenüber spiegelt immer uns Selbst wieder. Durch ein Gegenüber kann ich mich selbst erfahren. Es ist ein Spiel zwischen nach Innen gehen und wieder nach außen gehen. Zwischen Selbstarbeit und Gruppendynamik.

Wir wollen Menschen zusammen zu bringen. Um gemeinsam zu lernen. Individuell und als Gruppe. Der Schüler vom Lehrer und der Lehrer vom Schüler. Das wollen wir im echten Leben, in echter Begegnung, zum anfassen, teilen, spüren, erleben.

Mit dieser Online Platform wollen wir dir den ersten Schritt so leicht wie möglich machen: Uns kennenzulernen, aber auch dich kennen zu lernen. Um in Zeiten unsere Inhalte nutzen zu können, in denen du vielleicht nicht vor Ort sein kannst. Mit INEA•YOGA wollen wir dich inspirieren und motivieren, uns im echten Leben, so ganz offline, zu finden. Wir wollen die Welt transformieren zu mehr Bewusstsein, Ehrlichkeit und Freiheit – gemeinsam mit dir!

A place for exploration

Creating a space – mentally and physically

About INEA Yoga

A honest way of living –alingned with the heart, the body and the mind.

INEA is Greek and means The New. Founding INEA YOGA is a new way for us, Cedric and Athina. A new way to deal with life, a new way to practice yoga, to teach, to experience. We want to courageously go forward into the unknown with a full and open heart. A path that is characterized by honesty and humanity. With all our imperfection, with our loving heart, our attached ego, with our feelings and with our belief in a world in transformation.

The time is ripe to show us unadorned and raw, to continually balance the mind, the heart and the body as we approach our vision. Step by step. The vision of a holistic immersion of consciousness. The awakening of the consciousness of matter.

This means to consciously recognize, cultivate, understand and live the divinity of our existence.

INEA ist griechisch und bedeutet Das Neue. INEA YOGA zu gründen ist für uns, Cedric und Athina, ein neuer Weg. Ein neuer Weg mit dem Leben umzugehen, ein neuer Weg Yoga zu praktizieren, zu unterrichten, zu erleben. Wir wollen mit vollem und offenem Herzen ins Unbekannte mutig voran gehen. Ein Weg der durch Ehrlichkeit und Menschlichkeit geprägt ist. Mit all unserer Unperfektheit, mit unserem liebenden Herzen, unserem anhaftenden Ego, mit unseren Gefühlen und mit unserem Glauben an eine Welt, die in der Transformation steht.

Die Zeit ist reif, uns ungeschminkt und roh zu zeigen, fortwährend unseren Verstand, das Herz und den Körper zu balancieren während wir unserer Vision näher kommen. Schritt für Schritt. Der Vision einer ganzheitlichen Durchdringung von Bewusstsein. Die Bewusstwerdung der Materie.

Das bedeutet die Göttlichkeit unseres Daseins bewusst zu erkennen, zu kultivieren, zu verstehen und im Vollen zu leben.


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INEA • YOGA Retreat Centre & Yoga School in Corfu, Greece

St. George (South) – Argyrades 49080 Corfu Island

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Yoga Alliance Professionals Associate
Registered Yoga Teacher 200
Registered Yoga Teacher 500
JUJMU Yin Yoga
Anusara School of Hatha Yoga