Yoga • Psychologist • Musicologist • Sound Healer
Athina Tamaresi

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Brighton, UK
Traditional Tantric Hatha Yoga
Ashtanga Yoga
Vinyasa Flow
Yin Yoga
Mantra & Kirtan
Tibetan Sound Healing
9 Years practice and exploration
6 Years of Teaching Regularly
4 years of running Yoga retreats
1 Year of resident yoga teacher for Bhopal
1 Month Karma Yogi at Sampoorna Yoga, India
7 Years in special education for children and adults
13 Years teaching piano/music
10 Days silent Vipassana Meditation
English, Greek
Brighton, UK / Corfu, Greece
About Athina Tamaresi
I am a living enthusiast from Greece. I grew up in Athens, and lived most of my adulthood in Milan, Italy and Brighton, UK. I hold a degree in music harmony, a singing diploma and a university masters in Musicology... as music was my way of expressing the light in me. My exploration on connection/ expression continued and so I took on psychotherapy, yoga, establishing heart connections, and more music while I was also studying for my MSc in Psychology, to basically become a Master of Science (I wish this S was for Self). Hours of sitting indoors led me to need to move this body and my first 200hr yoga teacher training in India with Sampoorna Yoga. Since, I keep learning with some of my most influencial helpers being coffee and my friends! Thank you. In terms of teachers I am grateful for K. Andlaw, S. Strandh and H. Schmidt, EJ Brumfield, TJ Maher, Sudhir Rishi, and Octavio Salvado. Sharing has come very naturally to me! but most importantly encouraging people to utilize all the tools they already have in their bodies, in order to love and connect with their unique self.
Yoga to me has been a wonderful journey, helping me divide my sense of self from my often busy mind and deeply, truly accept and connect with me as a whole. Yoga, this internal experience, whether it’s expressed externally through exploring discomfort in postures, or pausing and listening in meditation, or even making mindful choices in life… is the way to the radical self that can be accessed through anything, a-ny-thing. I teach to support and encourage people to connect with themselves and I practice to keep remembering that once you commit to living this life with your gaze fixed on the destination, your breath steady and your mind clear everything is possible!!! To truly serve this world, we must first accept our own inner demons... overcome whatever holds us back from blooming. Then, effortlessly, like a flower we will enrich the lives of all who enter our field!
Find Athina's Mantras on YouTube: